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System Integration & Software Development

How software development and systems integration make a sustainable contribution to the digital future of companies.

Software as the Key to Intelligent Enterprise

Today, intelligent software is not just something that supports the processes around an actual product; it is becoming a significant part of the product itself and a major factor in the market. 

Software development itself is also changing. Agile methods put the user at the center of development and demand a high level of availability, flexibility, scalability and security through cloud-based systems. MHP helps your company to overcome these new challenges in the transformation to sustainable practices.

Our competencies

End-to-end software engineering

From the initial idea to the finished product: We provide support to develop your software throughout the entire product lifecycle.

The requirements for software are becoming ever more complex which means that the complexity of software projects is also increasing. The agile approach is gradually displacing conventional phase-based process models to master this complexity while remaining capable of reacting to ever-changing requirements. 

An agile team needs a host of skills to add the most value. From UX designers to requirements engineers, software specialists, test engineers and operations experts: MHP puts a diverse team at your disposal to implement your end-to-end vision throughout the entire product lifecycle.

Cloud architecture and development

Improved user experience, more security, and increased IT productivity: Harness the full potential of cloud technologies with us.

The possibilities of the cloud are revolutionizing the way software is developed: Large, monolithic applications with long release cycles are being replaced by service architecture developed by small agile teams. The almost unlimited possibilities of the cloud not only makes software more powerful, more flexible and more secure, but new features can also be delivered to customers more quickly. That is why there is almost no way to ignore the cloud.

Whether “greenfield” or “brownfield,” serverless or hybrid architecture, with a focus on one cloud provider or a consistent multicloud strategy: MHP is the right partner for your projects and individual cloud journey. Our strong partners, AWS & Azure, will be happy to advise you.

Agile product development

Cross-competence from requirements engineering to operations: for faster response to customer needs and market development.

Two aspects in particular are key for agile product development to succeed in a digital application landscape: Powerful interfaces for maximum interoperability of systems that meet individual solution requirements; and a high degree of clean technical implementation. 

This requires cutting-edge approaches in two areas:

  • Software engineering – e.g. for microservices, serverless computing or function-as-a-service
  • Software development – e.g. in the form of scaling agile approaches, pair programming or extreme programming

MHP is your reliable partner for software engineering and software development in your company. We offer a well-advised technical design, experience in user interface/user experience (UI/UX) and comprehensive cutting-edge technological expertise. And consistently high-end service with our claim to excellence.

Integration solutions in existing systems

We increase efficiency in your company: by seamlessly integrating individual software into your existing solutions.

We provide integration and implementation solutions for SAP and individual applications such as responsive web apps and mobile native apps. It is important that we are a consulting and implementing partner throughout the entire development process of a software product – which is why we offer everything from a single source. And with proven, professional processes:

We analyze current challenges and generate solutions, guided by methods such as design thinking approaches. 

Our diverse teams implement these requirements with all the requisite skills and capacities. We create the architectures for the SAP or individual software with interoperable interfaces step by step – if possible in line with agile PM methods. In doing so, we can bring a wide range of experience from successful agile projects with us.  

Development and operations subsequently work hand in hand – entirely in line with the DevOps approach.

Ensure smoothly functioning software solutions – with MHP’s broad integration and implementation expertise!

Our partners

Strategic partners we work with in the Software Development & System Integration sector

MHP enhances its service portfolio with strategic, trustworthy and sustainable partnerships for maximum added value for our customers. The strategic MHP partner network includes regional and global companies spanning technology providers, institutions, associations and startups. This enables us to offer our customers holistic skills in the vertical integration of consulting, from strategy and management consulting to system integration and software development. 

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