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MHP offers excellent promotion opportunities and a good atmosphere

Glassdoor rankings for career opportunities and corporate culture

Ludwigsburg – In the "Highest Rated CEOs 2017" ranking of the job and career platform Glassdoor, some time ago MHP CEO Dr. Ralf Hofmann took ninth place, and is thus among the most popular bosses in Germany. MHP has now got into the top ten two more times in the Glassdoor rankings. Among companies who offer their employees the best career opportunities, MHP is in ninth place. MHP is thus in front of other consultancies such as Roland Berger (10th), Horváth & Partners (11th), Simon-Kucher & Partners (16th) and KPMG (20th). And also in the evaluation of culture and values, MHP was able to secure 9th place – above, among others, SAP (12th), adidas (18th) and dm-drogerie markt (19th). Dr. Ralf Hofmann: "Being successful as a consulting company depends on each individual employee and his or her motivation. Every day, our consultants experience directly how their commitment is also worthwhile for them personally, that in our company they can develop further and take the next steps. Furthermore, they simply feel good with us. The rankings are therefore confirmation that we have created the right structures." 

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