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Our Responsibility

Creating sustainable value together.

At MHP, we understand CSR holistically, as a symbiosis of economy, ecology and social aspects - with the aim of doing business sustainably and creating sustainable value together.

At MHP - a consulting company and "people business" - the focus is on people and the "we". As an employee, as a customer and also as part of society.

With the MHP Sustainability Strategy 2025, MHP has divided the main challenges into strategic fields of action based on the impact of its business/consulting activities and society's expectations of the company. They are of great future significance for MHP's sustainable development.

The objectives, measures and progress on this MHP path are regularly evaluated. The results are incorporated into the MHP strategy and in the future into an MHP sustainability report, among other things for the stakeholder dialog. With this practiced sustainable corporate philosophy, MHP strives for excellent sustainable management in the entire MHP environment, with the goal that all stakeholders and society benefit from it.

Strategic CSR fields of action

  • Decarbonization & resource protection

    Avoidance or reduction of energy consumption and emissions as well as efficient use of resources.

  • Consulting in digitalization, mobility and sustainability

    We provide our customers with consulting services on the topics of sustainability, digitization and mobility.

  • People & Diversity

    People are at the center of everything we do. Further development, the health of our employees and embracing diversity are a matter of course for us.

  • Partner of society

    In addition to supporting sustainable social projects and organizations/institutions with the help of donations, MHP also supports selected projects and teams as a partner and sponsor.

  • Supply chain responsibility

    We attach great importance in our supply chain to fair and respectful cooperation with our customers, business partners, service providers and suppliers.

  • Leadership, Transparency & Compliance

    For MHP, value-based management behavior, adherence to compliance guidelines, lived transparency and responsible corporate governance are of great importance.

Environmental and Energy Policy

Ecological responsibility and economic success go hand in hand at MHP.

Sustainable and responsible action have always been essential pillars of MHP’s corporate philosophy. MHP senior management has adopted an environmental and energy policy, once again underlining the company’s stance.

“At MHP, we are committed to harnessing digitalization for the transformation to a better tomorrow, in line with our environmental and
energy policies. As a consulting company, we are committed to the Paris Agreement. Our goal is to live by the principle of sustainability even more consistently at MHP.” Dr. Ralf Hofmann (Co-Founder of MHP)

The MHP environmental and energy policy sets out clear guidelines in four fields of action:

  • Conservation
  • Environmental objectives
  • Management behavior
  • Compliance

The new guidelines make it clear that conservation is a task for the entire company. Against this background, sustainability is an integral part of our processes and all our employees are required to commit to conservation and to set up an appropriate framework for implementing these principles in their area of responsibility.

To ensure this, MHP offers information opportunities and qualification measures with the aim of turning our employees into sustainability ambassadors. In addition, employees are made aware of the need to openly address relevant and/or critical environmental and energy issues.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For this purpose, 17 global sustainability goals were defined. With their help, economic progress is to be reconciled with social justice and ecological compatibility.

MHP is committed to the SDGs and focuses its commitment on the SDGs which we can significantly influence and which equally affect us as a company.

There are eight SDGs to which MHP's sustainability activities contribute.

The focus on people

MHP has taken its social and societal responsibility as a successful business enterprise very seriously for many years.

At MHP - consulting company or "people business" - the focus is on people - as employees, as customers and also as part of society (OneTeam, Excellent Team Players and "We love people"). Continuous development and economic success in conjunction with ecological and social responsibility go hand in hand at MHP and are part of our corporate philosophy.

We advise companies - with the help of innovative and sustainable business models - on their way to a more sustainable future (Better Tomorrow).

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