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  • Blog
  • Published on: 10.03.2023
  • 2:30 mins

Big Data under Control – Get The Most Out of Your Data With AWS

In today's business world, data-driven decision making is crucial for business success. The ability to access the current condition, predict future conditions and evaluate the quality of those predictions is critical quickly and reliably. Data quality is the key factor in this process and the questions of "Which data?" and "How to collect?” and “How to process it?" must be answered by data engineers and data scientists.

At MHP, we understand the importance of data value streams (DVS) optimization and the role it plays in modern business. That's why we've launched an initiative with our premium partner AWS to optimize data value streams by modernizing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) workloads.

Our dedication to solving business and technology problems, designing, and implementing cloud solutions, and leveraging AWS services allows our customers to focus on maximizing the value they deliver. With a holistic approach focused on the business outcomes of data generation, we help our customers to identify, analyze and optimize different data value streams (DVS) that support business processes and data-driven decision-making.

Taming the lions: data strategy is king.

Once a DVS is identified, its target outcomes recognized, and its KPIs clearly defined, we support our customers in choosing the right model and internal data strategy for the DVS. This includes proposing appropriate data collecting methods, securing data transport and persistence as well as creating ETL pipelines.

The cloud allows us to use the right tool for the job and benefit from scalable computing power. This means that we can flexibly access computing resources according to need and scope. Additionally, we can identify sub-streams with common values in different DVSs, re-use data processing pipelines, and unify intermediate results in a securely managed data lake.

Our approach also works when modernizing legacy DVS. After validating existing DVSs, we can offer one of the standard 7Rs strategies known from workload migration analysis: retire, retain, repurchase, relocate, rehost, replatform or refactor.

3 Phases to be transformed

Our customers will get the "MHP Modernization Journey Driven by Excellence" following the general AWS Migration Best Practices through the three common migration phases: assessment, mobilization, and migration. In the assessment phase, we work to understand the current state of different DVSs and create a business case for modernization by identifying optimization opportunities and conducting gap analysis.

In the mobilization phase, we help to identify funding options and create a detailed modernization roadmap. Finally, in the migration phase, we implement the modernization plan together with our customers and ensure a smooth transition to the new system.

When are you coming aboard?

At MHP, we are passionate about designing, developing, and operating solutions that allow our customers to focus on what they are passionate about. By leveraging AWS Glue Family and other AWS services, we're able to help our customers optimize their data value streams and maximize their business value. With our expertise and dedication to data and technology, we are confident that we can help any organization to achieve their business goals.

About our author

Sven Leiß

Senior Manager


About our author

Stanko Petkovic

